New Years Day.

Never thought I'd say this but how nice it is to wake up on 1st Jan without a hangover. I even managed to catch the last of the beautiful colours of the sunrise. A good start!

With a cup of tea I actually commented on all the blips published by my blip friends. The relaxing morning continued at home before visiting the lovely lady for lunch.

She had researched a country walk starting and finishing in the little village of Upham so off we went with Murphy and Willis.

The walk was just perfect and the weather ideal, what a fantastic way to spend the afternoon and the boys really enjoyed all the different smells and sounds and the open space.

The evening meal finished up the turkey, cranberry sauce and also used some sprouts finely chopped into a stir fry, sounds odd, tastes great!

Unfortunately I have left the lovely lady feeling under the weather with, what seems to be, her son's cold developing in her body. Let's hope it fails to take hold.

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