Celestial Dawn

We were both up before sunrise this morning because OilMan was going to play golf and I was worried that Ozzie wouldn't be able to get out of bed. Fortunately he had an easier time than I did, but I was rewarded by a beautiful pre-dawn shot of the sky. He had had a bad day yesterday with  a couple of episodes of being unable to stand up or navigate. OilMan couldn't play golf because of a frost delay, so he hit a bucket of balls and came home with a sore back, saying (again) that he was quitting golf. 

Since we were  both up, we decided to take Ozzie to Dr. Steve, the vet who was a classmate of Dana's when they were both at UC Davis. The moon and Venus must have been in the right alignment this morning...that or the pot cookies we gave him...because Ozzie was much improved by the time Steve saw him. Of course that made it hard for Steve to figure out what was wrong, but at least we could rule out seizures and brain tumors. Ozzie's just getting old...

Blake was here today because Dana and Jim were having new carpet laid. He was very well behaved at home, watching from the mat in front of the kitchen sink as carpet and tools were carried up the stairs, but he likes to roam around our garden looking for things to eat. Last week it was kale stems. He's not very stealthy. He left the leaves on the porch and his footprints in the veggie garden. Today it was a cup full of grubs which OilMan picked out of the beds. He usually puts them in the birdbath for the bluejays, but had forgotten about them....I think they're disgusting but obviously Blake doesn't think so....

One should never assume that Blake won't find something, even when the winter garden is pretty bare. He is most certainly an omnivore. We're grateful that he has pretty much given up trying to eat things like remote controls and potholders....

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