Alnwick Sky

I was awake far too early.  I eventually got out of bed and tackled the ironing mountain, before going out for a walk.  It was then home for breakfast and bag packing as we were heading off to Grandma and Grandad’s.  We stopped in Alnwick for lunch.  TT’s favourite lunch spot was full so we had to find an alternative.  Replenished, we then had a wander and TT did some Christmas shopping!!  I bought a couple of books and a scarf in the sales – you can never have too many of either of these!  We were then on our way again and I dozed for the rest of the journey.

It was lovely to see Grandma and Grandad.  Grandad hasn’t been keeping well but was on good form.  There were more Christmas presents and BB was delighted to receive more reading material.  I got a lovely vase, which I will fill with flowers, once the Christmas decorations are down.

We had a lovely meal and lots of chat to round off our day.

I liked this sky in Alnwick – over Saint Michael’s Pant.

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