China and glass with bonus reflected sunrise

I was back on campus today for the first time since I struggled in on 12th December to start an exam. This morning I marked a final year honours project, chaired a viva, read a draft chapter of a Masters dissertation, held a Masters supervision, and caught up with various colleagues who popped into my office to welcome me back to work. This afternoon I attended an internal conference at which I delivered a short presentation about the work of my colleagues Wegene and Bruce, who are currently in Brazil.

Meanwhile at home Mr hazelh and Mummy hazelh exercised (Mr hazelh only), took a tour of the communal garden with our neighbour Chris, served Chris afternoon tea, and watched recent video recordings of Mr hazelh's father telling his life story. They were both very relaxed and jolly when I returned home, and it seems that my mother may have turned a corner :-)

The ghost sign that I have blipped is not far from Coming up robes captured on January 6th 2016. I like the way that it includes a bonus reflection of the sunrise over Bruntsfield Links.

Exercise today: walking to and from work (17,790 steps).

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