A lot of the snow has gone but we now have slippery, icy, slush. Had to go out today as I needed a repeat prescription and a few bits and pieces of food shopping. Got the bus down to the village but just missed one coming back ( the timetable is still up the creek ) so I had to walk back home. Better than waiting in the cold for 15 mins - or longer - for the next one. Wasn't too bad underfoot but it does make your legs ache when walking in slush.

Not feeling good today - woke up with a terrible sore throat and thumping headache. Had Lemsip --- well the Coop equivalent - but still feel all hot and cold and shivery with aching limbs. Almost couldn't be bothered to blip - but I have made the effort. Think I had better stay in tomorrow to try and recover.

My clip shows one of the Christmas cards I did online - I bought a pack of 10. When Neil saw them he said " Are you really going to send them to people?". Well yes I am. I might even give one to Neil--- that'll teach him.

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