
By AndyG1982

Meat Free Monday 2

So.our dedication to New Years Resolutions continues. After work, both myself and Mrs G went out for a run. I am on week 3 run 1 of couch to 5k. She has already completed couch to 5 k and runs further and faster in 30 minutes than Barry Allen. (Geek joke thereāš”)
So we don't run together. I couldn't keep up with her. Plus I kind of enjoy getting a bit lost around my housing estate. I am finally starting to find my way around after 3 years living here.
This was run 7 for me. It's getting tough. Im using the app which has an audio coach telling you when to run and when to walk. Im not gonna lie, there are times when I hate her!! This was my first time running for 3 straight minutes. With a 90 second walking break inbetween each run, then the pattern repeats. I realise that doesn't sound like much. But I am very lazy. Managed it alright tho. 2 more runs this week of the same pattern, plus I have to fit in a go on the cross trainer. This healthy living thing is a pain.

It was my turn to cook for meat free monday. So I scoured the internet for diet friendly vegetarian meals. And then I stumbled upon a rice dish which caught my eye.
Spicy beef rice and beans.

Now.i know what you're thinking. Beef isn't vegetarian. And you'd be right. Shame tho. Cos beef is ace.
So in keeping with meat free monday I substituted the beef for quorn mince. Worked a treat. Mrs G was very happy and took some of the left overs for lunch tomorrow. The rest is in the fridge awaiting consumption. Portion control is not my strong point. I think I made enough for about 6 people.

Early night as I want to try and make a dent in my kindle. By which I mean the books in it. Not an actual dent. Just started Superman: Red Son. My all time favourite superman story, which shows what would have happened if superman was raised in the Soviet union instead of America. I read it years ago and bought it again on my kindle as I'm far too lazy to walk to the book shelf.
Until tomorrow. Good Night comrades.

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