Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

The First Nowell

Yesterday, I started to feel a little more like Christmas. The trouble is I am so extremely busy that I have no time to do more than feel a little more like it!

So here are my first real thoughts of composition of a Christmas blip! The words of The First Nowell are thought to have originated as early as the 13th Century, but not made into a carol with music until 16th or 17th Century. The carol was included in a book Christmas Carols Ancient and Modern in 1833 by a William Sandys F.S.A (who was a solicitor). More information can be found in Wikpedia and other sites.

Note The above information may not be accurate, I have sourced it throught the internet!

The version in my image was arranged by Sir David Willcocks. When I lived in Cambridge in the mid/late 1980's I sang in a choir organised by his PA who was a very good friend. Sadly we have lost touch and I am no longer a singer now.

My cherub (or angel) has been in my Christmas box for several years and comes out every year :)

Day off today (and weekend off too), but so incredibly busy still!

I have had to bring work home again, which I won't get paid for but needs to be done :( This is getting ridiculous, and I've asked my manager for a 1:1 next week now!!! Rant over.

Added to that I am finishing off a powerpoint for a service I am leading on Sunday.

Also I need to get it together get organised for my course day (Footsteps) tomorrow!

AND I really want to get my house clean and tidy, need to see if I can fix the hoover without buying a new one...

Soooo its going to be a really frantically busy day which I could do without. Maybe I will have a rest this afternoon and chill out for an hour or so? Sigh....

On the up side at least its really bright and sunny out there now, after heavy rain earlier. Though the temperature has really dropped and its as bitter as last Friday, if not colder...brrrrrr! I am told by a neighbour we should expect snow, but that's the last thing I need right now, so I hope not.... The washing is out, but I'm not sure how dry it will be before it blows away :)

Apologies, I don't have a lot of time to look at everyone's blips at the moment, hoping to catch up soon!

Have a great day blippers :)

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