Nadine Pierce, a snapshot

By nadinepierce

Oot and aboot

It was in to the Vets first thing with Max and, unsurprisingly, I had to leave him there. Then it was off to West Linton for one of the last beats of the season. Turned into rather a nice day after a very foggy/damp start.

Spoke to the vets when I got back, they’re keeping the wee man in overnight on a drip. They didn’t find anything conclusive except a thickening of his intestines - this could be a sign of lymphoma or just a spot of IBS. They’ll do some more tests in the morning and see how he’s coping with the tube feeding and rehydration before deciding what happens next.

I also had to send back my new laptop today - it kept shutting itself down - what is it with me and things beginning with C just now, car, cat, computer...?!

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