Riverboat Life

Today I decided to go into town and spend some of my Christmas money. A few shops even had sales on and I got a few bargains. It was good to have a bit of retail therapy! 

I bought make-up, a book, gloves, a rucksack in a black cat design that was less than half price in Accessorise, chocolate and a top! Well, to me it's a top - I imagine some may wear it as a dress!

I took this photo whilst I was in town. We had had some lovely sunshine but I thought it would last longer than it did, and missed my opportunity, so another shot in overcast light!

Home now, bins done (Oh, the glamour!) Blip done, cooking tea is next! Zeph and I are having boeuf bourguignon. The beef is marinating in the wine and herbs as I type, and has been since last night! I may have drank the spare wine!

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