
By tondrijfhamer

Another one from yesterdays dawn shoot.

I lied to you yesterday.
I wrote that during our dawn shoot at castle Fraeylemaborg I didn't want to shoot the classic composition. Well, actually my very first photo yesterday was the obvious classic one. Sorry for that.

I just now looked at it and thought atmosphere of the photo was quite nice and since I'm not  taking any photographs today I'm sharing it with you anyway.

The weather forecast is predicting snow tomorrow, so I'm hoping to be able to show you a proper winter photo tomorrow, or Wednesday. I don't know where I'm going to get the time for it, but knowing myself I'm certain I'll go out shooting out in the snow no matter how much work I have on my desk.

My back still hurts, and now I have a hard time turning my neck as well, but I'm hoping that will all go away again as time goes by. I'm refusing to sit still because of it. Keep moving!

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