Tiny Tuesday - Memento

These leaves are falling fast. They remind me of the first time our garage flooded. Mr B shouted for me to come. I ran outside and was soon bailing out the garage with a cracked bucket. Disaster was averted and Mr B raced off to get some sand bags to ensure that it didn’t happen again.

Why do these leaves remind me of that moment? Well, it was their fault the garage flooded!

They have started falling off the trees already and we had to sweep up a whole load of them before they block the drain again. It reminds me that the first time something happens, you don’t anticipate it or even know how to deal with it. As time goes on, you can preempt such things and hopefully avoid them.

Just saying.

Today we farewell Cousteau’s sister, Cheska. At the grand old age of 13 and a bit, her loving owners let her go. I do hope she is somewhere with Cousteau, Lenci and Vardar, playing like they all used to. She’ll be missed so much xxx

Oh, a tiny holes in the leaves for Tiny Tuesday, in case you were wondering.


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