Mr John

By MrJohn

Patrick .....

..... at number 38.

This evening after work I popped over the road for a cuppa and a catch up with my neighbour Patrick. It's been a while since we've had a chance to catch up as I've been out when he's called over to mine and vice versa.

We were discussing Blip and I asked if I could take a portrait of Patrick as my Blip today. I'm submitting this blip as my first entry to the one street thread. A few other local blippers are already taking part using a couple of the main shopping streets in town as their subject, but I thought I'd slightly subvert the project and concentrate on the people who live on the same street as me. For me streets are about the people who occupy them as much as the bricks and mortar, so I am going to start a series of portraits of my neighbours in their houses.

I've known patrick since shortly after he moved in over the road about 8 years ago and I ended up joining a weekly life drawing class that he already attended ( I didn't know he went along until I turned up with a friend on the first night and saw him there ).

I've not been along to the life drawing class for about a year as my work routine and day to day life seem to be taking up my Thursday evenings most weeks, but Patrick is still a regular atendee and now organises a lot of the running of the sessions.

Patrick is holding one of his acrylic painting, with one of his pastel drawings on the wall beside him ( he also has a nice painting of a ladies bottom hanging in his dining room ). So today's blip is .....

..... Patrick at number 38

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