Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

Drippy, solitary snowdrop

It was raining when we got up today, but has now stopped.  And at least it is a little warmer.

I went for a wander around the garden, and was pleased to find this snowdrop.  We have planted bulbs in various parts of the garden, at various times, and none of them currently seem to be doing very well.  This is the only one of a number that we planted last spring "in the green" that seems to be trying to grow this year.  I can see no action from any of the others.  

Previously, we planted some bulbs against another bit of hedge, and last year, a few winter flowering aconites grew.  There are just a couple again this year, making a valiant showing.

Oh well, we'll keep on keeping on, and hope that more show up next spring.

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