
With the forecast set to deteriorate I ran the van down to Aira and walked up Gowbarrow and managed to keep pretty dry. It was rather lovely. This was the start of the weather coming in. I’m not sure why, probably an accumulation of things lately, but I found myself musing on the word ‘power’ in its subtle guises and in so many contexts...at work, in relationships and in all layers of life and living. I wonder how our thoughts influence blips and vice versa. I’ve included a couple of extras that i’ll probably delete but the word power in different contexts was in my mind with all of them.

Eventually the following earworm sneaked into my head ...*warning* do not click on it if you have happily buried Cliff Richard into the darkest recesses of your memory and would prefer that door remained firmly closed.... certainly made me queasy.... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gC2OKYkf1sU

Once home craggy and Fly called by and we went to my local for a pint...don’t think I’ve been in there for years.

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