Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

Hyllus Giganteus

This is one of my favorite spiders. Even though she is quite large for a jumper at around 15mm long, and very hairy, she still retains a cuteness about her, with those very large, inquisitive orbs.

I usually stumble across hyllus G a couple of times a week, but if you go looking for them, they are not difficult to find. They seem quite partial to bamboo. Just look for two long, slender bamboo leaves that seem stuck together. I tried to have a look between the leaves and out she pops, slinging herself over the edge into free air, trailing her safety line behind. She skillfully climbed back up and settled on a sunlit leaf, allowing me to collect a few shots for the album.

Quite a popular collectors item amongst arachnid enthusiasts judging by the proliferation of YouTube videos, but still a few left in the wild.


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