Beautiful..... blue with tinges of lilac.

Well....a day of emotion for sure, mum and I dropped A at the airport as our wonderful 10 days together has come to an end. How lucky was I to have her arrive on my birthday a real surprise, treasured times nurtured with love. We said our good-byes with tears of love....until next time A.

Exciting times ahead for A, a week in Wellington with friends, being part of her best friends bridal party, then on to Sydney for two weeks mostly work related but time to see my brother and his family and then possibly back to the UK but there maybe a detour to Singapore work related before flying back to the UK. A's loving her job, her life, London and all it has to offer and hubby and I love hearing all about it, very happy for her :)

Thank you for all the lovely words, stars and fav's for my last few blips, mainly collages. I've enjoyed sharing these special moments with you but I've also got a little behind, so there's still more to come over the next few days.

Friday......warm on waking, light breeze with an overcast sky. Later this afternoon it's now gusty as a southerly change brings cooler temps with fleeting flickers of sunlight peeking between the's pleasant.

Warm thanks to Anni for hosting Flower Friday, a hydrangea from my garden.

Enjoy the weekend everyone :)

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