When I went to bed last night, just after midnight, it was snowing well and now just after 1 p.m. it is still snowing, so Mr. HCB is a very happy bunny!  He loves to see the snowy Blips that other people put up, especially those shared by HarlingDarling, and her husband, who live in Sweden.

It does look very pretty, I must admit, but we haven’t ventured out.  Fortunately, we have lovely neighbours, Lynn and Mike, who knocked the door just before 10 a.m. to ask if we wanted anything from the little M & S store down at the garage, but because Mr. HCB is a “weather watcher” we had already been down there yesterday and stocked up with bread and milk. 

We stood in our bedroom and watched the way the cars were being driven, one doing a graceful, but what could have been a disastrous, 180° turn, and others driving so close together that if one had stopped suddenly, there would have been quite a pile-up, so as I was due to go and visit a bereaved friend today for coffee, Mr. HCB suggested that perhaps I should wait and see what the roads are like tomorrow and I did agree with him.

We are grateful on days like this to have a lovely warm house and we have plenty of food.  Thankfully, the birds are still coming to the feeders, and I managed to snap this Mr. Greenfinch having his lunch with Mrs. Greenfinch on the other feeder.

Mr. HCB is busy doing his jigsaw and I have been drinking copious cups of coffee and getting through one of my library books, "Pachinko" which is very interesting.  I just wish that the author, Min Jin Lee, had thought to put a glossary of Korean words in the front of the book.  Because I like to understand what I am reading, I am constantly Googling not only Korean words but also words I have never heard of - like “anagnorisis and peripeteia” so at least I am finding out more, not only about Korea and Japan, but also learning new words and their meanings, not that I will ever know when to use them as I am still trying to “get my head around” what they mean!!  However, this is definitely not a book that can be “skimmed” but needs to be read carefully, which is a good discipline for a skimmer like me.

So, Flower Friday has been relegated to tomorrow as far as I am concerned, in favour of a snowy collage of our garden - the bags in the foreground of the photograph at the bottom left are the ones Mr. HCB collected earlier in the week, full of manure, but I don’t think they will be emptied anytime soon.

Stay safe and have a good weekend - just been chatting on Messenger with a friend, and there doesn’t appear to be much snow in the area of Surrey where they live but we still have plenty here.  As long as it’s gone by next Tuesday when I am due to go to Ragdale Hall, I shall be happy.

“There is no winter without snow,
     no spring without sunshine, and
          no happiness without companions.”
Korean Proverb

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