Crazy About Birds

By Kimb

Crazy Afternoon

Today has been quite a day.

1. The mourning dove is still alive at The Wildlife Center! I was astonished, actually. I helped change its dressing (with it under anesthesia). I'm still not going to count on anything long term, but I was so pleasantly surprised when I got there today. Phew!

2. Came home and - as I do always - went immediately outside with some fresh birdseed to put on the rock benches in front of the house and to strew about under the feeders. I had barely gotten back inside when I looked out the window and saw a doe already tiptoeing into the yard to eat birdseed! Grabbed the camera - as you do.

3. Snapping away at the deer - trying to get a squirrel in the same frame - because it's Squirrel Blip Friday - when I notice -

4. The hermit thrush has alighted on the bird bath! And then shortly after that -

5. The brown thrasher arrives! And then a little while later -

6. The Husband calls from the kitchen to tell me that the big bird is down there in the creek again!

Some days - nothing. Other days - WOW.

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