Mild Blue Sky Winter Day

After all of the cold weather we've had lately, it was pretty shocking on Sunday afternoon when the temperatures soared to around 50 degrees. Let me tell you, it makes a BIG difference! People everywhere were doffing their coats and heading outdoors with big smiles on their faces!

The skies were blue with just a few puffy clouds when my husband and I stopped in the gameland for a short hike, on our way home from running errands in town. We found the snow melting, about the grainy consistency of sand for walking in. It takes more effort to get around when it's like this.

This view is the same (closed) road that I photographed for my January 6th blip, but it looks quite different now, in snow. You can see some tracks on the path ahead of us, but none are recent. And look up - those are some of the prettiest blue skies I've seen in a while!

The soundtrack song is for that blue sky: here's Midnight Oil, with Blue Sky Mining.

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