
By tondrijfhamer

Back to reality.

Just as predicted, bad weather set in this Sunday morning. All was grey, wet, dull and cold outside. Yesterdays decision not to go out for photography this morning was the right one.

We took the time for our final Scottish-breakfast and then we packed our bags, checked out and sat in the lobby for a while, editing some of the photos we'd made. We then left for Glasgow International Airport.
The ride went smooth with Ron behind the wheel and we arrived one hour before schedule. Well done Ron!

At the airport we played the usual waiting game, mostly in a comfortable chair at Starbucks.
We checked in, went through the necessary security checks and finally flew away right on time. At 20.00 hours we were back at gate D27, Schiphol Airport. The same gate we left from.

During the final part of the trip I was behind the wheel of my car. Herman was dropped of at home at 23.10 and Ron 15 minutes later. All safe and sound.
At 23.45 hours I was welcomed home by Annemarie and an enthusiastic beagle.
It's good to be back, but looking at my agenda for the next period I'd rather would have stayed in Scotland.
Tomorrow it's back to the office.

Ron, Herman, a huge "thank you" for this great photography adventure!!
Let's do it again, somewhere, some place in the future!!

Been there, done that, bought the T-shirt.

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