A day in the life

By Shelling


As you probably can guess, todays blip is highly arranged depending on my focus on other things. This morning was dedicated to a meeting with one of my musical friends when we discussed theme and content of a musical performance later this spring. Nothing special, just another one of  those concerts you see advertised everywhere on billboards and newspapers. Sometimes they catch your interest, mostly not. Well, they've all been planned at one point and today was one of those meetings.

After that, lunch and time by the computer. Later, a rehearsal of an arrangement I've made of a romantic orchestral piece by Edward Elgar called Salut d'amour. A friend of mine has made a Swedish text to it and the plan is to make a simple recording to put out on youtube. I'll tell you when and if it happens. All day I thought I'd take som pictures for my Blip but it never happened, so todays Blip serves as a representation of my day.

Then, time for some yoga to a tired body but I felt better afterwards. Bedtime approaching rapidly.   

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