Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

The Craic

Dreadful weather today, it's been blowing a gale and hammering down for most of the time.  Storm Eric has arrived.

Motorway wasn't much fun this morning as I drove down to Newport for a meeting.  Got feedback on the training course that I developed, it was well received and I think we can make some further improvements to it.

Met up with one of my best friends  and a few old work colleagues for lunch.  It's amazing when we all get together how the craic starts to flow again.  It was a good team that I worked with, we did a good job and had a laugh at the same time.  I miss the craic!

Good news one of my award submissions won, and to top it all was awarded a distinction.  One of only 56 companies to achieve that level.  Chuffed!

The garden is starting to come to back life, another sign that Spring is just around the corner now.

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