
A busy day but a very useful one. R got a lot from the open day and I got a lot from the charity shops. Sitting in the car waiting for R to finish, the wind was pretty strong and I could hear clanking. Part of the cover above the exhaust had come loose. Realising that any attempt to try and use the piece of string I found would be a waste of time we found a garage. A very lovely man said he’d have a look and put the car onto one of those things that lifts the car up (R was still in it). She was more than happy and passed the time taking selfies and playing with BeautyPlus , see extras. Lovely man wouldn’t accept any payment. Off we set and useless satnav decided to to take us to London. We managed to loop round and ignored her frantic instructions to go in the opposite direction and eventually got back to J’s in Leicester. Beer and an Indian takeaway then not too late to bed as driving back to Glasgow tomorrow.

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