lift off

I brought this home from Uganda when I left in August 1981. It speaks to me of another time in my life, a younger me facing a thousand questions about things of which I had no experience . A time when I realised how ill divided the world is. When I saw more death than anyone should ever see… from famine as well as war. In the middle of all of this, craftsmen still made beautiful things – as though redemption was to be found in their art.. and for me it was and still is.
It reminds me that despite all human frailty, evil, vindictiveness, the human spirt can still fly and lift itself above the mess - exalting in beauty in the midst of carnage. To do this, one must have an appreciation of “the holy other”, a presence outside the mess. For some that is religious faith, for others a connection to the planet. Whatever it is for you, hold on to it - or him. It is a precious anchor

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