I had the camera at the ready waiting for Tino to pop out from behind the curtain but instead I got a shot of Lily who jumped up onto a chair and started looking cute. How could I resist.

I actually went out today. To the Health Centre. I had an appointment with the nurse to check my blood pressure and to have blood taken. Doc had said to get my BP checked after 2 weeks of being on the higher dose of tablets.. Unfortunately it was still high. I have a phone appointment with the doc on Friday so we will see what he says then.

When I came out of the Health Centre at around 4pm it was already dark and it was rainy - nasty cold rain. I got the bus straight home.

Asda delivery came this evening and after unpacking it I realised there were about 15 items missing. Tried phoning the number on the invoice thingy a few times but just kept getting a message that said they were busy. Anyway the driver came back with my missing stuff - he had found it at the back of his van.

Late blip tonight as I have been watching the football online Fulham 2 Newcastle 1. So we lost again --- but it was a good game.

Just put the wheelie bin out and found the lid iced shut and I noticed all the cars in the street have frozen windscreens ... its going to be a cold night.

Sore throat is still a bit sore. Voice comes and goes. Tickly cough is driving me mad. Hope its all OK tomorrow as I'm off to see The Panto.... Aladdin at The Theatre Royal.

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