Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob

Late Nights

Last night resulted in a bit of drama; a house 2 doors down from ours had a fire upstairs. Luckily everyone got out of their house okay, and we were evacuated from ours for safety, but there was a bit of panic when we couldn't wake our neighbour (the house in between ours and the fire), as they were concerned about the smoke. Rich and I ended up having to take some fire fighters and policemen into our back garden where the torches and shouting finally woke her. I have no idea how she slept through the pounding on her door, shouting, sirens and lights though! We got back into the house not long before midnight, but weren't able to sleep for ages due to the commotion and lights still going on outside. As such, I slept in this morning and had to take emergency leave while I washed the smoke smell out of my hair! Still, everyone was safe and that's all the matters.

After a fairly busy few hours at work I met up with some of the dietetics folk (plus my buddy Ruth) for my leaving do! A most fantastic night of food (mushroom brindisi, the pictured beef brisket and venison tagliatelle, and raspberry cheesecake), drinks (way more cocktails, wine and prosecco than was really necessary) and karaoke! It was absolutely brilliant and I had a proper cracking time. I'm very ready for good night's sleep now though! 

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