
2.9C and fairly dull. Cold. Flat calm.

Maeve the Deerhound and I walked our usual route after lunch. The field is becoming more of a stop and potter about round the trailer looking for pictures than a place to walk. This phase will pass. The trailer will be moved sooner or later. I had different layers on today. Felt warm. Success.

Two dog walkers on the beach today, each with one dog. I stopped on the beach too, to watch a rig being towed out of the Tay estuary by a small fleet of tugs. No one at the Fishermen's huts. Ground frozen solid.

Later I have looked and looked at today's pictures and have struggled to choose the one to post.
The choices:
A funny picture of an icy puddle with what looks like a face formed by the ice.
Pictures of worn and cracked paint on the trailer.
A picture of the wheel hub on the trailer which has lettering and thick paint.
Two portraits snaps of Maeve ... the other side !
Pictures of the rig against the early signs of sunset.

I wanted to post Maeve again, but the colours of her coat were better in the light yesterday.
Maeve advised posting the rig and tugs since I might not have that chance again. What an insightful assistant :-)

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