A day in the life

By Shelling


I live in Kalmar, a city on the east coast of Sweden. Through its long history as an important defence and trading city Kalmar has changed its appearance depending on the historic period. During its time as a border city between Denmark and Sweden the castle was lost to the danish crown and the city itself was burned down. After the Swedish king won the castle back it was decided to move the whole city to a place easier to defend. During that period a system of canals was built, new land was created and a new town centre behind thick stone walls, modelled from german cities and paid for by rich families of tradesmen grew up. Since then Sweden has managed to stay out of wars with Denmark apart from occasional football games where the odds of winning is about fifty fifty. We like it better that way, when the ball is filled with air and not lead and the fighters can thank each others afterwards with a handshake or even a hug. 

The new city needed fresh water so a water tower was built on a small hill in this otherwise very flat piece of land. I managed to catch both the water and the tower in the same shot, plus a small corner of the old west gate, one of the important entrances into Kalmar. 

Looking through my old Blips I seem to be fond of reflections, quite natural when you live in a place surrounded by water but also because I think reflection is an important part of human development.

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