Life through my eyes

By Amanda_T

"Relatively normal"

Well, not the day's events but Mr T's ECG.  The day started normally and we had our haircuts, and I was about to make lunch when Mr T suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest, went pale and was sweaty and clamy.  He asked me to call the doctors to see if they were there and when they weren't we called 111.  They sent an ambulance and told us to call 999 if he got worse.  He did so we called 999 and about 30 minutes later two paramedics arrived.  He was connected to an ECG which was "relatively normal".  Given his past pancreatitis they said he could go to Southmead Hospital or they would speak to an on-call GP.  That took ages for the GP to call back and when he did he wasn't much help.  By that time Mr T had some colour back and the pain had subsided.  It will be passed through to his GP now.

He seems much better now but did sleep for a couple of hours when they left.  We don't like to bother the emergency services, but they were great, and just like on the TV "Ambulance" documentary.  To be honest they spent as long waiting for the on call GP as they did treating him.

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