
By Bradders

Poolside first aid

Stressful night last night, I realised at about midnight that my first aid course was on the 25th not the 26th and I hadn't done the theory!

I rang them up last night and this morning and they were very good about it, I rearranged it to the 26th so today I could do the theory. I cooked in the morning and then went to yoga. After yoga I got cracking, it was very thorough and took about 5 hours to get through all of the topics and do the theory test.

Still riding a wave of motivation I redesigned my CV to create a casual work version that I can hand out at establishments that I fancy working. I printed a bunch out, that'll be a job for another day.

Cooked pasta bake for myself and Filipe in the evening, caught the sunset and then spectated the pool competition. Steve was playing the owner for a weeks free rent, he was on his A-game and pulled off a win. He didn't celebrate long, straight down to the ping pong competition.

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