Mr John

By MrJohn

Peaches .....

..... and cream.

Last night was cake night at my place again and after the last guest had left at 11pm I had a text from Mr P saying that he had just seen a shooting star. The text reminded me that the Geminoid meteor shower is happening at the moment so I had a look out of the window and within 5 minutes I had seen 3 meteors, so I decided to see if I could photograph some. I set my tripod up in the back road behind my house and started taking photos.

Whilst I was out one of my neghbours, Darren from the street behind pulled up to park his car and we had a chat about the meteors. Darren had come home with a bottle of wine and kindly offered me a glass ( a very nice red it was as well ) as we both stood there looking skywards. Although I saw plenty of meteors and was out until gone 1am all the meteors were either just out of the frame of the camera or appeared in the 30 seconds it took for my camera to process each shot.

The peak of the meteor shower will be tonight and I was hoping to get some photos this evening. Unfortunately it has been very misty in Ilkley all day and it dosn't look like the mist/fog is going to clear tonight. I have instead resorted to plan B and had a wander in to town this evening to find a blip. I took lots of photos of all the lovely Christmas lights in town, but have insted blipped a photo of some frosty tree tops that were lit up by the flood lights from the rugby club. I like the constrast of the peachy glow of the sodiun street lights illuminating the fog against the white ( creamy ) frosty branches of the trees.

On my way home I got a lovely take away from The Shalimar of lamb rogan josh with pilau rice and chapatis. I'm now completely stuffed, but the title of this blip is making me think about having some pudding. So today's blip is .....

..... Peaches and cream.

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