Today's Special

By Connections

Calendar Girl -- Part 2

(Just before I clicked on "publish this entry," Phil posted his blip, featuring our new shower -- take a look!)

In addition to having one of my photos selected for the 2013 Whatcom Educational Credit Union calendar (Calendar Girl -- Part 1), the Bellingham Farmers Market has again produced a calendar that uses my photos.

This is the third one, and each has had a unique look, thanks to our talented designer. You can see the 12 "photos of the month" here -- a mixture of produce "portraits,", vendors, customers, and even a busker this year. What you won't see is the helpful tip under each photo, such as May's advice: Ask Questions. Do ask our vendors about produce or food products that are unfamiliar to you! They love to share their knowledge, and often provide recipes and cooking tips when you say, "What do I do with this?"

Also in this calendar are the dates of the new winter once-a-month markets: January 19, February 16, and March 16. Several local farmers have been exploring ways to extend the growing season, using techniques such as hoop houses and greenhouses to produce more winter-hardy crops, and there has been considerable consumer demand for Bellingham Farmers Market to have a presence in the "quiet" months of January, February, and March.

I'm hoping for bright blue winter skies on those days, and no snow or ice. It will be interesting to see who shows up, both vendors and customers!

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