
By Missycat

AbstractThursday193 Unexpected

I haven't posted a blip for 2 days as I've really been too busy to think of photography but I never like to miss Abstract Thursday, my favourite challenge, so despite a very busy day, I've managed to photograph two possible options and have gone with the second one.  After SW (lost 2 lbs, yay) I fitted in a bit of work of the paid variety plus some holiday packing before meeting a friend for lunch and then rushing on for my pre holiday hair appointment.

The 'unexpected' refers to the horrendous weather that greeted me when I left  the hairdresser's, with  high winds and lashing rain when I left to pick up Violet en route to home.  I managed to save   my newly styled hair as the salon gave me a plastic cape to wear under my coat hood, thank goodness.
I took this phone shot in Sainsbury's car park, before driving home and have abstracted it mainly with PS Elements filters, with a quick extra tweak in Picasa.  I just love the reflections that rainy weather brings.

Many thanks to ingeborg for her continued hosting.

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