Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Time for tea?

Well actually it was more of a late lunch time in one of my favourite places, Bon Papillon in Howe Street.

I went in the car at 9.30 this morning to pick up the 7 Denby plates and rack I'd reserved yesterday in the charity shop. I don't need them but I really do like them, see extra.
Next it was on to Tesco for mince and a few extra bits and bobs, including 2.5kg of potatoes which I have avoided buying while walking.
Home again by around 10 and I finished the batch of marmalade with more pictures to accompany the recipe and cooked the mince for dinner tonight....International Women's Day so I'm multitasking!
Feeling organised, I set off walking at about 1, I headed for Stockbridge then walked up to Howe Street where I enjoyed my pot of tea and a delicious lunch of a very colourful spicy chicken salad with pomegranate and orange.
I walked back home and arrived just before C who had been up in Banchory picking up his mum. Ali came over in the evening to discuss plans for our trip out wedding dress shopping tomorrow.
I drove her home then went for an early night. Still not got my body clock sorted!
14538 steps today, so 2/2. :-)

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