Following the Snow Plough

If I had realised just how bad the weather would be, I would have prevailed on Emma not to come all the way from Callanish to give me a lift to the airport. But she did, bless her heart.

She rushed into the hotel, grabbed my suitcase urging me to leave right now so that we could follow the snow plough over the Clisham before he had to leave Tarbert. As you can see, we caught up with the snow plough.

Emma found the road to Callanish snow covered on her return, with no snow plough available to clear it.

They had to de-ice the plane at Stornoway before it could take off. All of Scotland north of Glasgow was snow covered.

A gluten free cheese and ham panini was a welcome surprise once I got to Glasgow.

Several flights were delayed. Ours to East Midlands left 20 minutes late. We had to make a de-regulated landing because a power failure one hour before we arrived had put a landing system out of operation.

Home safe and sound now. Basil was a bit cautious.

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