Aggregates On My Tongue

A bit of yesterday's foretasted storm showed up today. Obviously, not all day long. The sun peeked out but didn't warm anything up much past freezing. By evening, big snowflakes were slowly falling down.

Yes, I was the one wandering around a parking lot, jumping this way and that while staring up at the dark sky, following snowflakes down to meet my hot steamy breath (all with my tongue sticking out of course.) There's nothing like a giant snowflake instantly melting on your tongue! I'm hopeful that I will wake up to more snow than when I fell asleep, but we'll see.

But back to aggregates. If what I learned to today is correct, the giant snowflakes that landed on my tongue could be called aggregates. According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, as an adjective, aggregate means "formed by the collection of units or particles into a body, mass, or amount" and as a transitive verb, "to collect or gather into a mass or whole."

This English teacher learned something new today! I think it will be a while before I introduce the new vocabulary to my Thai students though. :)

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