
By tookie

Trois Femelle!

Off north again and this time no pills taken on an empty stomach. I met my friend Marilyn and then went to C's and she drove us up north but shy of Bellingham to a lovely cafe at Skagit nursery's. Both friends are ex-bus drivers too and thats how we all met. Triple trouble.

I did get my early am pool workout in and some cards done before the trip. Hopefully more commenting this weekend...hopefully more sunshine, and hopefully NO more of yet another and probably the worst ever school shooting here marred our day. I'm a strong advocate for better gun laws here in the states. Always a controversial topic here in the states..I loved what NY mayor Micheal Bloomberg said today.

President Obama rightly sent his heartfelt condolences to the families in Newtown," Bloomberg, a frequent advocate of stricter gun laws, said in a statement after the shooting, which killed 27 people, 20 of them children. "But the country needs him to send a bill to Congress to fix this problem. Calling for 'meaningful action' is not enough. We need immediate action."

A good UK article sent to me by blipper Meles linked here

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