Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Flowering currant

I spotted this on the cycle track. Our own flowering currant is the common red colour, I rather liked this paler version.
Stayed over at K's past bought so I could look after 2year old I today
In spite of her itchy chickenpox she was in really good form, such fun and a real sense of humour.
We went to pick up some bits and bobs at the supermarket, her task was to remind me to get carrots and leeks for soup, which she did. Just as well as I made a big pot which we had for lunch. At 4 pm we took her home and C stayed with her while I went to pick up her 5 year old big sister from after school club and take her to Rainbows.
I've realised she's the 4th generation of my family to be involved in the Guide movement. Today she was to make her promise and officially join the movement
She was so excited and said it perfectly. Afterwards she said to me "I wasn't nervous Grandma. I knew I had practised and I would do my best and I did." She was very proud and excited afterwards, mum and dad had made it in time to be at the ceremony too, which made her day!
This evening C's cousin moved in for a couple of weeks before moving to her new house. Quite a traumatic but exciting new step for her and lovely to have her with us. It's nice to have family who are also friends.
12636 steps today, so 6/7 this week. Not bad for my day off!

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