
By tribal

La Luge

A very wet morning - 4.2mm according to my new gizmo! I found a long wooden pole hiding out in our garage, so I've managed to mount the anenometer on the top and tape the pole to the corner of the terrace. It's not very professional, but I get the occasional gust recorded now!

After lunch, we drove in torrential rain to Saint Brieuc, but the sun appeared as we arrived. We went for the Christmas market there, billed as being the largest in the departement. It had the more traditional wooden chalet stalls, so it was all that I expected in a marché de noel. It also had "une luge" which was free! Alice had several goes, then she rushed off to see Père Noel who gave her a sweet, and posed for a photo. I`ll put the other photos on my blog. We had a look around the shopping centre too, and M bought a box full of clarinet "anches" (reeds).

We arrived back home late afternoon, and will be going out to McDo`s to eat soon.

Happy birthday Sal!

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