The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

'Art of glass, Stroud

I gave blood today, whoop whoop. 41 donations and counting.

I also went with our WEA treasurer to suss out a new venue for a class. We think it'll work. However, it has to be approved by some official person or another. After that we went to the Factory Shop, and Aldi. Exciting stuff.

Our guests left at ten. Steve was getting blown away in Minchinhampton market square, and I was waiting for a phone call. It eventually came while I was in the checkout queue at Aldi! I rang back once I got home.

Apart from that, I have mainly been doing a few loads of washing and hanging it up, packing my stall goods for tomorrow, and watching the speaker of the House of Commons shouting 'Or-der! Or-der!'

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