Wanderings & Witterings

By IvarBlipS


Falkirk has a new mural. Designed by local artist Scott Gilbert and commissioned partly by Scotrail, it was 'unveiled' last week on an underpass leading to Falkirk Grahamston station.

One section contains a series of roundels, some of which appear in the above photo, illustrating local landmarks, such as the Kelpies, Callander House and Trinity Church.

In other news: the toothache I had in December flared up again on Tuesday evening and didn't get any better on Wednesday. When I got home from yesterday's walk I phoned the dentist for an emergency appointment which I had this afternoon. As a result I have one fewer tooth than yesterday and a mouth that's feeling quite tender. On the plus side, though, I might have a better night's sleep tonight than I've had for the last couple of nights.

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