
By NickMog


I had to operate on Maude today. She had been limping and, when we checked, she had one of her claws stuck in her pad! I cut the claw and then pulled the end out of her paw. She was amazingly good, she struggled to get away but she didn't try to bite or scratch. The worst part for her was having some savlon sprayed on her paw afterwards .

She seems to be limping less now but she still sits holding the paw up in the air and looking winsome. We'll keep an eye on her...

If, in a few year's time, I happen to meet her in a Roman, Lions vs Christians kind of situation (for which neither of us is particularly well-qualified), she may well spare my life.

The other operation which I could do is the penknife and biro emergency tracheotomy. Hawkeye first showed me this and later I talked George Clooney through it.

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