
Sprey Point to be precise. Marian fancied a bit of a walk, nothing too demanding though, so we went in to Teignmouth and took a walk along the front. On a Sunday this is a popular promenade and I suppose it has been for scores of years. This sign's not for the benefit of promenaders though, it went up in the 1930s to let train passengers know that they're arriving in Teignmouth.

I thought the combination of the sign, the feathery tamarisk bushes and the lovely sky with its fluffy clouds mad a nice image for a Sunday afternoon. I'm off on my travels tomorrow and I should be stopping off in Keswick in the evening. I know there have been flood alerts on the campsite there but I'm hoping all that will have cleared by the time I get there. I'm on my way to Glencoe where the weather is looking absolutely filthy for the next few days. NickyR is also going up there and we overlap on the Wednesday so we've arranged to meet up in the evening for a meal.

I'll see you tomorrow with a rainy Lakes blip!

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