An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Narnia returns...


Woke up to snow, which wasn't a welcome sight as Gail was travelling from  Broughty Ferry and LeeAnne from Edinburgh for dinner!  Thankfully after some careful weather watching and the three of us keeping in touch, they decided to brave it (the lengths these ones will go to, to have dinner made for them ;-)) and they were both at mine before 4pm.

We considered having coffee but after less than a second careful discussion we opted to start as we meant to go on and went for the wine, prosecco and gin instead.

As ever, a great evening with this pair with lots of chat and laughter and finally, our exchanging of Christmas gifts!  I am over the moon with mine, thank you so much ladies :-))

After our early start we were ready to call it a night at midnight.  We must be getting old! sensible.

Oh and I am pleased to report that my pavlova turned out fine.  Lovely chewey meringue.  Will definitely make it again.

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