Blush response

By Esper

Holy graphite rendition, Batman!

This is my favourite portrait so far. I greatly admire all the people I draw, but Adam West holds a special place in my affection. I cannot begin to imagine how many happy hours I spent as a child either watching Batman on TV, wrapping a towel around my shoulders and pretending to be Batman, or drawing pictures of Batman, Robin and the Batmobile.

Whenever I have seen Adam West interviewed, he always comes across as being witty, funny, intelligent, self-effacing and consequently one of the very few celebrities that I feel I could enjoy spending some time with. He once said that the best piece of advice his mother gave him was, "Don't take yourself too damn seriously." I have always tried to adhere to that maxim myself. Adam West also shares the same birthday as me. Holy astrological alignment!

It is such a shame that so many generations are not able to enjoy the magnificent lunacy that was the 60s Batman TV show. Sadly, many of the stars who were happy to make (sometimes unpaid) appearances on the greatest TV phenomenon of the day, are now (along with studios and production companies) grubbing for royalty shares. How times have changed. Don't they see that 0.5% of something is better than 1.5% of nothing? Holy corporate bead counters!

Until these people see sense, I guess we will have to make do with the Adam West Batman movie and a few youtube clips. Let's hope the show makes it onto Blue Ray before the master copies rot in the archives and Mr. West and Mr. Ward finally return to the great Batcave in the sky.

Rant concludes. See you tomorrow, same Bat Time, same Bat Channel.

Miranda - Adam West

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