Des Gateaux

The French Institute which has moved to GeorgeIV Bridge and very handy for the Dower House, does a fine line in cakes, which made it difficult to resist the temptation to sample one. But resist I did , permitting myself only a blip to record their gorgeousness.

I met up with a friend there for a blether, in English fortunately, although the staff were mostly adhering to their native language. It all felt very French as if we had suddenly found ourselves in Paris.

Having discussed such diverse subjects as death and the possibility of an after life, and Brexit and losing the will to live, with every subject in between, we spent a very enjoyable 2 hours until we were made to feel de trop as the people who lunch trooped in.

With the afternoon being vaguely sunny, I put on my skid lid and cycled to my Granddaughter’s house to hand in papers she needed to sign to replace her lost passport.
I still can’t believe, how bad the roads are. Apart from the ever present potholes, the old ones have had barrow loads of tarmac thrown into them to patch them up but the patches have not been levelled off so it makes for a very lumpy ride.

Back home to iron the guest bed sheets ready for the next guest, my eldest granddaughter, late of Oman but now teaching in Sharjah in UAE who is coming to stay at the end of next week.

And relax.................

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