
By Bradders


Busy day. What happened.
I scheduled an interview for next Monday in Perth, so I'm staying that long at least. Rang the company I most recently interviewed for and they said they are looking at a few different jobs for me. I got a call from Cairns saying they had a job for me, so I said they can put my name forward. Kalgoorlie called and said they had sent my CV to some more companies...

I don't know where I will be in 1 weeks time, and I have no financial security yet, but still I have entertained myself looking for cars today.

I went to yoga, then to kitesurfing. We did 1 hour theory, but I did not get to go out on the water because the wind then dropped... Kitesurfing is proving very challenging to start.

Watched movies and made enchilada in the evening.

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