The Heavens Declare

First of all, a huge thank-you for all your comments and support, we both felt so loved! And apologies for not commenting much, will try to catch up tomorrow...

Just got back from the team day in Lavre on the Anemas' dairy farm. Good job we spent the night there, we had a job being ready in time, and we were already there, think we were both exhausted. The day began with a short walk to one of their dammed lakes, where Jan (Dutch for John) read Psalm 19:

        The heavens declare the glory of God,
        and the sky above proclaims his handiwork...

as we sat there in the shade of the cork oak, seeing the rock roses, hills, and wild pear trees covered in white blossom, and listening to the woodpeckers and the moor hens trilling to their mates at the side of the lake.

Off now to our weekly dinner with the Padre and assorted others.

- Mike feeling better and mostly remembering to be careful
- the march in London (we've signed the petition)
- the heavens declaring his glory as we drove home, bright red sun spreading its colour all across the horizon

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