Now we have everything

By Gembop

A Rivington steak

And bloody tasty it was too! Well, technically more tasty than bloody seeing as I like it medium-well.

It was the perfect order after having yet more blood taken at my midwife's appointment today. My veins clamped down again so she only managed half a vial but I'm hoping that'll be enough this time. It's only to further confirm my blood type. My usual midwife had a trainee with her today and they were both really lovely. The track marks on my arms, less so!

I went back to work in the afternoon as in the evening I had to take out 14 clients and colleagues for an early christmas/project celebration 'do, hence the steak and yummy brussel sprout tops.

I booked dinner for a crazily early 6:30pm so I could selfishly get away at a decent time. I blamed Bump but it was really to get home and finish my presentation for tomorrow. In the end I got home just before 10pm, settled myself down in the study and worked until the wee hours. I was not best pleased when the alarm went off at 6am for me to carry on. I'm so happy I won't have to do this again for a long while!

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