
Hannah is very much into gym manoeuvres at present. Cartwheels, handoffs etc. She's doing well!

However, all I can say about the week is; bring on the end! Almost certainly two lawyers will be contacting me, demanding no doubt large sums of money.

It's very sad for me. In general we have very positive relationships with clients and our team. That's changed just a little, and it's telling for me that both litigious issues are Christchurch based. That makes me really really sad, all that we have been through and local people want to have a go. Despite doing the best you can.

It makes me question humanity to be honest. And I say this "without prejudice" because my lawyers say so. We can't have an opinion or do what we think is right, only what is dictated by the letter of the law. And that's all that matters, not what's right or wrong, morally.

I love what we do, but it's a very hard industry now. High technical requirements, low or no margin (because open source "is free" (it's not) and why isn't yours?), and very high service expectations, without the expectation to pay for it.

Dunno, it's time to take a break and reflect on the opportunities for 2013. I feel there are many.

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